2023 Recap: Data Privacy and Security Laws

Recap: Data Privacy and Security Laws

The winds of change have blown in and state legislatures are taking action to protect consumers from data misuse. These data privacy and security laws focus on protecting individuals’ information and require organizations to handle data transparently and responsibly. Staying informed about these rules is essential for compliance and data protection.

Do these new laws apply to my organization?

These laws primarily target businesses who’s activities activities involve the collection, use, or sale of consumer personal data. Some laws require additional protections for sensitive data or contain exceptions for certain business activities, like those that are regulated by other data privacy/security laws.

Each state has slightly different thresholds for compliance that relate to the following:

  • The amount of consumer data your organization processes (typically 50-100,000 consumers data
  • Whether your annual revenue exceeds $25 million
    • CA, TX, UT
  • Whether 50% or more of your revenue comes from data sales

Below is a list of 2023’s new US state privacy and security laws to date, when they passed, and when they go into effect

What do businesses have to do under these new laws?

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